陈滢上载出浴照,边浸泡泡浴边睇电视,/ j K 6 ( K t似乎相当写C l y Q k意,不愁寂寞。房间内更有单车机等健身器材,可以望著海景做运动,似Staycation多过似隔离,搞到好友吴嘉熙也留言表示想加入。
From:微博/香港TVB资P + K k d z & D E讯台
Jeannie陈滢_粉丝专页:#陈滢[超话]#【20210302 @JEANNIE陈滢 IG】
how are you?
i keep getting asked over andT # u m [ over.
remes – r #mber that scene in SATC whej $ – 7 pn carrie goes to mexico after mr big gets cold feetN h m and all she did was close the blinds, ask w3 ) 8 G ohat time it is and then goes back to sleep for day_ D t b 1 Rs in the dark?
tB + J ,hat’? vs kind of how it feels for me during the bad days of quarantine
but, there are also nice momenj U ? + Fts when i get my bubble bath or happy hour surprises and yummy food from the thoughtful staff here that keeps me in a goo( a } z A 6d mood http://t.cn/A6t9O7w9 — Jeannie陈滢_粉丝专页